Victory! Yesterday, H.R. 1585, the 2019 Violence Against Women Act, passed with bipartisan support in the House of Representatives. Despite efforts by the NRA to block its passage, the bill received support from both sides of the aisle–as it should! The historic Violence Against Women Act has helped millions of survivors of violence over the past two decades. With each reauthorization, we have been able to do more to help those groups facing the highest rates of domestic violence or sexual assault and strengthen the law to address growing crimes like stalking. H.R. 1585 add more funding for violence prevention, expands protections for Native women and LGBTQ survivors, and closes the “boyfriend loophole” that allowed convicted abusers to keep their guns. We’re one step closer to reauthorizing the strongest Violence Against Women Act yet! It’s crucial that a bill including all of these needed improvements is passed by the Senate.