Pence's Record: 3 Things You Need to Know

Blog / October 8, 2020

Here’s what we’ll be watching for during the Vice Presidential Debate on October 7.

1. The Pandemic.

The Trump administration’s mishandling of the coronavirus has been on full display this week, as he joined the 7.4 million Americans who have contracted the disease. Rather than taking the opportunity to set an example for how we can all stay safe, Trump flaunted his toxic masculinity by tearing off his mask for a photo op. Not only is he ignoring science, but he’s ignoring the pain and suffering of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who don’t have access to the top-notch medical care he received.

What we’re wondering…will the pandemic’s effect on the “first female recession” come up, and how will Pence defend his leadership of the White House Coronavirus Task Force?

2. The Supreme Court.

Republicans are actively refusing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s last wish that her replacement not be selected until after the election, by rushing through the nomination and appointment of ultra-conservative Amy Coney Barrett to the Court.

What we’re wondering…will Amy Coney Barrett’s anti-IVF views and her signing of an anti-abortion ad that called for the overturning of Roe v. Wade be addressed?

3. LGBTQ Rights & Discrimination.

Mike Pence has an atrocious record on LGBTQ rights. As Governor of Indiana, he exacerbated an HIV crisis in the state and signed into law a bill that many say legalized discrimination against LGBTQ people. Now two Supreme Court justices are urging to overturn the marriage equality case, Obergefell v. Hodges.

What we’re wondering…how will Mike Pence defend his administration’s record on LGBTQ rights, and will Pence be able to disavow white supremacists, as Trump failed to do?

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