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Women’s reproductive health is on the line. We are defending our rights to abortion and birth control, and advancing policies that support parents.

The Reproductive Health Act Passed!

The Reproductive Health Act ensures women in New York have access to abortion regardless of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. We are proud to have fought for this legislation — access to reproductive healthcare is an essential pillar of the comprehensive healthcare we deserve. And we’ll continue to work to keep New York State a beacon for meeting women’s reproductive healthcare needs with compassion and urgency. Get the facts about New York’s Reproductive Health Act:

Related News

Media / January 24, 2024

NOW-NYC Wins Lawsuit: Dept of Defense Reverses Anti-Gay IVF Policies

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Press Releases / August 2, 2023

NOW-NYC Sues Military For Denying IVF to Single Women and Same-Sex Couples

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We must continue to act for reproductive justice.

Reproductive justice provides an inclusive framework that goes beyond abortion rights and addresses the disparities in healthcare quality and access that women of color face. Reproductive justice is to the right to have or not have children and the right to parent children in safe and sustainable communities.


Sex-ed can be a powerful tool to teach students not only about sex, but also healthy relationship skills and decision making. Did you know sex-ed is not a requirement in New York public schools?

Equal Rights Amendment

Know your rights. Equal Rights Amendment makes sure that everyone, regardless of sex, is legally protected from sex discrimination.

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  • Reproductive Healthcare
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