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Press Releases / January 27, 2021

Repeal the #WalkingWhileTrans Law in New York State

It's time to change our discriminatory state laws that harm women and LGBTQ individuals. We support the repeal of "loitering for the purpose of prostitution" law, which has resulted in unjust police profiling, arrests, harassment and violence and disproportionately targets women of color and the transgender community.

Press Releases / January 25, 2021

NOW-NY Stands with Sex Trade Survivors & Allies in Support of New Prostitution Laws

The Equality Model will decriminalize people in prostitution, increase access to social services, and hold sex buyers accountable through fines. Statutes on pimping will not be changed.

Press Releases / January 20, 2021

Oval Office Glass Ceiling Shattered in 2021

Today marks a turning point for our country, with the swearing in of Joseph Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President. Kamala Harris became the nation’s first Black and South Asian woman Vice President in history and Joe Biden took over the mantle of the presidency with the clear intent to restore dignity and truth to our country’s highest office and deliver on substantive plans to address the multiple crises we face.