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Press Releases / December 15, 2021

NOW-NYC Urges Council Members to Vote for Adrienne Adams for Speaker

"An all-male top leadership in NYC just isn't acceptable," said Sonia Ossorio, Executive Director of NOW-NYC, which works to advance women's rights, policy, and leadership. "Adrienne is ready to lead and ready to hold her own. She won't be a rubber stamp for the Mayor," Ossorio said. "That balance of power is critical. We urge council members to pledge their support for her."

Press Releases / September 9, 2021

Women Mobilize Against Texas Abortion Ban

Today, the National Organization for Women - NY mobilized with members, allies, and elected leaders to send a clear message that the Texas abortion ban is unconstitutional and dangerous to the lives of women and people in need of reproductive healthcare in the U.S. The law, which went into effect on September 1st, is the most extreme ban in effect in the country, ending access to abortion after just six weeks of pregnancy with no exceptions for rape or incest. Since most women don’t even yet know they are pregnant at six weeks, the law effectively ends abortion in the state of Texas.