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Under continuing threats at the federal and state level, women’s reproductive health is once again under threat. We are committed to protecting our rights to abortion and birth control, while advocating for policies that support parents.

We’re attacking this issue on multiple fronts.

We took to the streets after the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022, and our advocacy for reproductive healthcare and rights has continued to grow in New York City. In 2024, New York State’s Equal Rights Amendment enshrined key principles of reproductive justice in our state constitution. This includes explicit protections against discrimination based on “pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy.”

In response to NOW-NYC’s lawsuit filed in 2023, the Department of Defense announced a new policy on March 8, 2024, eliminating marriage and gamete requirements that previously denied IVF coverage to same-sex couples and unmarried service members. Following this, on April 4, 2024, the Department of Veterans Affairs implemented a similar policy update for veterans, ensuring equitable access to IVF coverage. This is a huge achievement for service members seeking to build their families.

Learn Your Rights & Benefits: New York’s Reproductive Health Act

The Reproductive Health Act guarantees that women in New York have access to abortion services, even in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s overturning. We are proud to have fought for this critical legislation—access to reproductive healthcare is a fundamental part of the comprehensive care we all deserve. We will continue to advocate for New York State to remain a beacon of compassion and urgency in addressing women’s reproductive healthcare needs.

Get the facts about New York’s Reproductive Health Act:

Related News

Media / January 24, 2024

NOW-NYC Wins Lawsuit: Dept of Defense Reverses Anti-Gay IVF Policies

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Press Releases / August 2, 2023

NOW-NYC Sues Military For Denying IVF to Single Women and Same-Sex Couples

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We must continue to act for reproductive justice.

Reproductive justice provides an inclusive framework that goes beyond abortion rights and addresses the disparities in healthcare quality and access that women of color face. A term first coined by the SisterSong Women of Reproductive Justice Collective in 1994, reproductive justice is the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent in safe, sustainable communities.


Sex education can be a powerful tool for teaching students not only about sex, but also healthy relationship skills and decision-making. Did you know that sex education is not currently a requirement in New York public schools?

Equal Rights Amendment

The ERA was first drafted in 1923 by suffragettes, Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman. The ERA which will prevent discrimination on account of sex was the next logical step following the successful campaign to adopt the 19th Amendment, winning women the right to vote. In 2020 Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA. NOW will continue to push for Constitutional protection of women’s rights.

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