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Blog / March 18, 2021

Misogyny, Racism, & Gun Violence: Making the Connection

This week, we mourn the eight lives lost to deadly gun violence in Atlanta. Six of the victims were Asian women. Although the police have yet to officially recognize this as a hate crime, we all know the truth.

Blog / March 11, 2021

The American Rescue Plan is a Lifeline for Women and Families

Today, President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law, a massive piece of legislation that will be critical to helping women and their families recover after a year of the coronavirus pandemic.

Blog / January 20, 2021

The Historic Day We've Been Waiting For.

These past tumultuous four years, the fragility of our democracy and institutions - and the persistence of the racism that runs through them - have been laid bare. In witnessing their absence, we have seen firsthand the weight that words of truth wield and the necessity of moral leadership in maintaining peace and protecting our institutions and people.

Blog / January 13, 2021

Five Ways We Move Forward After the Siege on the Capitol

How do we move forward? By pushing for accountability, fighting for racial justice, and empowering local leaders who share our values. Despite 61 defeated lawsuits, 3 recounts, 50 states' certified results, and a popular vote margin of over 7 million, some of our leaders still contend the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent. We must confront these lies on the road to healing and unity.