NOW Calls for Governor Cuomo to Resign
"It’s become untenable for the governor to remain in office. There’s a great deal of work to be done. We are confident that the teams of people who work in state government who have been driving the rollout of the vaccine will continue," said Sonia Ossorio, President, NOW-NY.
NOW Calls Out Eric Adams' Close Ties With Convicted DV Abuser
“Eric Adams’ refusal to hold an elected official accountable for intimate partner violence that left a woman’s face scarred will always be a mark against him,” said Sonia Ossorio, who runs the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women.
NOW Questions Ray McGuire's Saudi Connection
“While other candidates trying to become the next mayor were working as public servants, Ray was orchestrating deals with the Saudis, a government that murders its gay citizens by beheading and saves stonings for its adulterous women,” said Sonia Ossorio, president of the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women. “It’s something worth contemplating.”