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Press Releases / June 28, 2022

NOW-NYC demands wage and working hour protections for NYC's home healthcare workers

The National Organization for Women urges the City Council to join us in supporting this measure that will prevent these essential workers from being further exploited by putting clear legal standards into place that will codify the rights that all workers are entitled to.

Press Releases / May 12, 2022

NOW Supports Making Cyberflashing an Offense

The National Organization for Women of New York urges lawmakers to support legislation that will make cyberflashing a violation offense under New York law and recognize this unwanted behavior as not only abusive but unlawful.

Press Releases / May 3, 2022

Supreme Court Set to Overturn Roe V. Wade

“In post-Roe America, New York is a safe haven for women,” said Sonia Ossorio, president of the National Organization for Women in New York. “In much of the rest of the country women will lose their right and access to abortion when Roe v. Wade is struck down and women’s lives, health, and stability will be at risk.”