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Media / May 16, 2022

NOW-NY Pres. Op-Ed: Cyberflashing is a Modern Form of Harassment

Cyberflashing is a decidedly modern form of harassment. It happens in public, at work, on campus and on social media by strangers and acquaintances alike. New York has enacted strong measures to address sexual harassment. It’s time for the legislature to send a strong message to the public that cyberflashing will no longer be tolerated either.

Press Releases / May 12, 2022

NOW Teams Up with Bumble To Make Cyberflashing an Offense

The National Organization for Women of New York urges lawmakers to support legislation that will make cyberflashing a violation offense under New York law and recognize this predatory behavior as not only abusive but unlawful.

Press Releases / September 18, 2019

Victory! Governor Signs Bill Giving More Survivors a Shot at Justice

NOW-NY fought for the law to give more survivors a shot at justice and calls on the NYPD to act. More than a decade after NOW-NY and Women's Justice NOW worked to eliminate the statute of limitations on rape in the first degree, Governor Cuomo signed legislation that will increase the reporting window for rape and sexual assault. The legislation signals the weight with which New York considers these crimes, and police and prosecutors across the state must meet the demand for fair and vigorous investigations that treat survivors with respect.

Press Releases / September 4, 2019

NOW-NY Stands With Home Healthcare Workers: End the 24-Hour Workday

The National Organization for Women New York is proud to stand with home health aides to end pay discrimination and the abusive practice of mandatory 24-hour shifts. Together with lawmakers and the Ain't I a Woman?! campaign, NOW is supporting legislation that will end strenuous 24-hour work days and ensure that the health of this majority-woman workforce is protected and the seniors they care for are getting the most attentive care available.