He Assaulted His Girlfriend. Now He Wants a Political Comeback.
“I am so appalled and so angry at even the possibility,” said Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas, a Democrat who represents a neighboring district in Queens and who sponsored a package of anti-sexual harassment laws last year. “We elected so many young progressive women to fight for us. The last thing we need is to take a huge step backward.”
NOW NY Stands with Survivors as Harvey Weinstein Appears in Court for Start of Criminal Trial
“We stand here today to honor the courage and bravery of every survivor who came forward, at great personal sacrifice, in an effort to hold Weinstein accountable and to say to every survivor that we stand in solidarity with you, we’re fighting alongside you, and we won’t give up until there’s justice.”
NOW New York Calls for an End to Victim-Blaming Rape Laws
A national study funded by the U.S. Department of Justice found that more than a third of rape victims had either been given a drug or alcohol or were targeted after consuming alcohol. NOW-NY President Sonia Ossorio said, "Drinking to excess is not an invitation to be raped. But the way some of our laws are written, you’d think it was. That is going to change.”
Mayor Must Act to Address Crimes Against Women
NOW-NYC President Sonia Ossorio said, "Mayor de Blasio has a limited window to take urgent action on the NYPD's response to sex crimes. The #MeToo movement was unleashed during de Blasio's tenure, forcing a spotlight on the lackluster record and persistent under-resourcing of the NYPD's Special Victims Division. This is his last opportunity to turn around the division on his watch..."