NOW-NYC & Gloria Steinem Endorse Tali Farhadian Weinstein for Manhattan District Attorney
Today, citing the breadth of her experience as a federal and local prosecutor, her commitment to criminal justice reform, and her detailed plans to transform the office’s response to gender-based violence, Gloria Steinem and the National Organization for Women - New York City announced their endorsement of Tali Farhadian Weinstein for Manhattan District Attorney.
Voter Suppression: What You Need to Know NOW
Ending voter suppression is critical to defending a fair and thriving democracy. Get the lowdown on voter suppression, its history and impact, and what you can do now to stop it. Connect with resources on registering to vote, and making sure you are on the rolls in time for the presidential election!
NOW Questions Ray McGuire's Saudi Connection
“While other candidates trying to become the next mayor were working as public servants, Ray was orchestrating deals with the Saudis, a government that murders its gay citizens by beheading and saves stonings for its adulterous women,” said Sonia Ossorio, president of the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women. “It’s something worth contemplating.”