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Media / September 9, 2021

NOW-NY Rallies Against Texas Abortion Ban

"We are here to show the rest of the nation that New Yorkers stand with every single one of you," Governor Kathy Hochul said. "Women across this nation, we have your backs. We will not abandon you just because we are far more enlightened in our respect for women's bodies."

Press Releases / September 9, 2021

Women Mobilize Against Texas Abortion Ban

Today, the National Organization for Women - NY mobilized with members, allies, and elected leaders to send a clear message that the Texas abortion ban is unconstitutional and dangerous to the lives of women and people in need of reproductive healthcare in the U.S. The law, which went into effect on September 1st, is the most extreme ban in effect in the country, ending access to abortion after just six weeks of pregnancy with no exceptions for rape or incest. Since most women don’t even yet know they are pregnant at six weeks, the law effectively ends abortion in the state of Texas.

Media / September 1, 2021

NOW-NY President Condemns Texas Abortion Ban

"This bill is downright machiavellian in what it does," said Sonia Ossorio, president of the National Organization for Women's New York chapter. "It literally incentivizes people, anti-choice activists, neighbours, co-workers to report anyone who is aiding and abetting someone who is seeking an abortion."

Press Releases / July 8, 2020

Supreme Court Rules Employers Can Deny Birth Control Coverage

On Wednesday, July 8th, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that employers with religious or moral objections to birth control can deny coverage to their employees. “The Affordable Care Act recognized that preventing unwanted pregnancy gives women power over their lives and actually reduces the number of abortions. Stripping thousands upon thousands of women of this benefit is not only supremely counterproductive, it's a women-hating policy,” said Sonia Ossorio, President of NOW New York.

Press Releases / June 29, 2020

Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

The Supreme Court struck down a restrictive Louisiana law requiring abortion providers to have admitting privileges at local hospitals that would have resulted in the shuttering of all but one abortion clinic in the entire state. “Today’s decision will save women’s lives,” said Sonia Ossorio, President of NOW - New York.