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Press Releases / May 6, 2020

SCOTUS Cannot Allow Employers to Deny Women Coverage to Birth Control

NOW members know that religion is no excuse for bigotry against women. Tens of millions of women need subsidized contraceptive services and supplies because they are unable to access or purchase them on their own, and more than half of young adult women say cost concerns have led them to not use their birth control method as directed.

Press Releases / April 22, 2020

NOW Files Amicus Brief to Prevent Abortion Ban in Alabama

An historic coalition of women’s rights, civil rights, human rights, and reproductive justice groups filed an amicus brief yesterday in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the federal district court’s decision to prevent Alabama’s COVID-19 order from resulting in the denial of abortion access to the women of Alabama and the potential criminalization of abortion providers.

Blog / March 5, 2020

Supreme Court Hears First Major Abortion Case with Kavanaugh: What You Need to Know NOW

June Medical Services v. Russo challenges a Louisiana law that would require abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. The Supreme Court heard arguments on March 4th. Here's what you need to know about the case and defending our rights.