NOW Supports Candidates who are Strong on Experience, Reproductive Rights, and Opposing the Decriminalization of the Sex Trade.

Press Releases / June 24, 2024

New York June 23, 2024 – The National Organization for Women-NYC has endorsed Micah Lasher(D-69 UWS), Larinda Hooks (D-35 Queens) and Stefani Zinerman (D-56 Brooklyn) in the Democratic primary. 

NOW-NYC only endorses in districts with more than one candidate, and in races where the differences between candidates represent a significant gap in experience and starkly divergent paths on how to solve New York’s most pressing issues.

Micah Lasher – Assembly District- 60 UWS and Harlem.

In District 60 encompassing the Upper West Side and Harlem, Micah Lasher is a clear stand out candidate who knows how Albany and government work and has a stellar track record as a public servant. He most recently served as Governor Hochul’s Director of Policy. He started out as an aide to Congressman Jerry Nadler, working on West side issues and helping constituents solve problems and get what they needed from local government. He worked as Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s Director of State Legislative Affairs, representing more than fifty city agencies in Albany. Later, as Chief of Staff in the Office of the New York State Attorney General, Micah helped lead a complex government and law enforcement agency and was integrally involved in landmark investigations into fossil fuel companies, the case against Donald Trump’s “Trump University,” unprecedented work to stop misconduct by landlords and building owners, statewide efforts to ensure access to local public schools for the children of undocumented immigrants, and the establishment of a special prosecutor for police-involved deaths.

“Micah Lasher brings an extraordinary level of experience to the job.  From leading New York’s legislative response to the Dobb’s Decision, to his work on the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act, Micah has demonstrated an ability to solve complex issues. We are proud to endorse Micah in this important race. He will be ready to lead on Day One,” said Sonia Ossorio, ED of NOW-NYC. 

Eli Northrup, candidate in the 60th District. 

“Eli Northrup is a proponent for the wholesale decriminalization of the sex trade throughout New York. It is a deeply troubling and misguided policy choice to open our city to sex buyers, traffickers, red light districts and sex tourism.” Ossorio said. 

Larinda Hooks Assembly District -35 Corona, East Elmhurst Queens

Larinda Hooks, is a lifelong resident of the district with a deep resume of community service and activism.  Her work in the community and she will focus on bringing more affordable to the district, including for seniors and low-income families to the district. Larinda spearheaded the efforts to create three new senior centers in the district. Retiring Assembymember Jeffrey L. Aubry has endorsed Larinda to replace him. 

“Larinda Hooks is the best candidate to represent residents of the 35th district in Albany. Her fierce dedication to her neighbors exemplified in making real change over many years shows competence, resilience and deep care for her community. She will make an excellent Assembly member,” said Sonia Ossorio, ED of NOW-NYC.

Hiram Monserrate, candidate in the 35th District

“Hiram Monserrate, a convicted domestic battered who left a former girlfriend’s face scarred, is not fit to serve in office,” Ossorio said.

Stefani Zinerman Assembly District 50 Bedford Stuyvesant and Crown Heights Brooklyn

Stefani Zinerman was first elected to the Assembly in 2020. Prior to her election, she worked in local and state government, the American Red Cross and in business, where she pioneered projects in workforce development and health and aging initiatives.

“Stefani Zinerman has brought resources and funding back to District 50. She has been a tireless advocate for civil rights, education access, food justice, housing stability and maternal health. She has answered the call to action from voters. We can’t wait to see what she does in her next term in office. She is the right choice in this election,” said Sonia Ossorio, ED NOW-NYC.