Statement of NOW New York President Sonia Ossorio on AG Schneiderman Lawsuit Against The Weinstein Companies
RE: A.G. Schneiderman Lawsuit Against The Weinstein Companies
February 11, 2018 – “The Weinstein Companies enabled Harvey Weinstein to use his position and clout to prey on girls and women for years, unchecked. Allowing the sale of this company without forcing its leadership to answer for its complicity and failure to protect women from abuse would be an affront to the women of Hollywood and every working woman. To get beyond this one predator, victims must be heard and management must be held accountable. Attorney General Schneiderman has stepped up to draw the line. Anything less would be a travesty of justice.”
– Sonia Ossorio, President of the National Organization for Women – New York
For inquiries contact:
Jean Bucaria, [email protected], 212.627.9895