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Every pregnant worker deserves the opportunity to work to support her family without risking the health of her pregnancy. Yet pregnant workers, especially those in low-wage and physically demanding jobs, are routinely forced to choose between their health and a paycheck. Because you stood with these workers year in and year out, you empowered them to keep the fight up!

At the most basic level, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) provides women with reasonable accommodations while on the job to prevent pregnancy complications. It’s a federal bill that has bipartisan support, but just hasn’t been a priority. But you made it one!


Take action. The pressure was building to pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, read the latest here.

Our message got across. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer and other Senate Democrats had to PROVE that they take women’s reproductive health seriously. Here’s what you said:

“I am urging Senator Schumer to support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and rally the Senate in passing the bill as soon as possible. If there was any time to prove that you and the rest of the Democratic Party take reproductive justice and gender equality seriously, it is now. We are at the end of our rope. We don’t want platitudes–we want action. Let me know when there is an update about this critical piece of legislation, which needs to reach the floor immediately.”

They listened to you! We hope you feel empowered.

Many thanks for our tireless and fearless leaders at A Better Balance who gave us the opportunity to stand with workers and help them make good trouble!



Demand Progress

Help push for the PWFA.

Next Action

We're on the Ground Defending Reproductive Freedom

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