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Blog / January 13, 2021

Five Ways We Move Forward After the Siege on the Capitol

How do we move forward? By pushing for accountability, fighting for racial justice, and empowering local leaders who share our values. Despite 61 defeated lawsuits, 3 recounts, 50 states' certified results, and a popular vote margin of over 7 million, some of our leaders still contend the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent. We must confront these lies on the road to healing and unity.

Blog / November 9, 2020

Hope Restored

We did it!! What an amazing moment. Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States, winning the most votes for a ticket in our nation’s history and leading in the popular vote by more than four million votes.

Blog / October 27, 2020

Supreme Court redefined & our rights in peril

Ultra-conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed and sworn in to the Supreme Court. Republicans rushed through her confirmation, swearing her in eight mere days before a presidential election in which Americans have already cast 62 million votes nationwide. Barrett will replace the seat vacated by the venerable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a feminist icon whose last wish was that the next president be able to choose her replacement. Here's what you need to know.