Here’s what you need to watch the next #DemDebate with us:
We’re excited. This is the first #DemDebate with an all-women panel of journalists. But we still need to demand these moderators #AskThemMore! Get into the pre-debate activism and then let’s amplify our voices throughout! Here, we have everything you need to watch the next #DemDebate with us and pledge now to Vote. Trump. Out.
Get Feminist Debate Bingo Cards
NOW found that in four debates in which over four hundred questions were asked, there was not one single question about sexual assault or harassment, #MeToo, or child care!
Take the Grab Trump by the Ballot Pledge
Get your friends to take the pledge – online or off – to take action with NOW-NYC! If you have them fill out their mailing address for the tear-off postcard, please RSVP & bring them to our December 10th Grab Trump by the Ballot meet-up, and we’ll send them out for you!
Amplify Your Voice NOW
Help get the message out on social media! Share your own questions or share ours.
Media: @NBCNews @WashingtonPost
Moderators: @maddow @mitchellreports @ashleyrparker @kwelkernbc
#AskThemMore | #GrabTrumpByTheBallot | #DemDebate
Here are a few sample tweets to get you started:
- 77% of Americans support access to abortion. 1 in 4 women will have an abortion. So, #DemDebate moderators, here’s a question you can ask: What’s your proactive plan to ensure abortion access is protected? #AskThemMore @maddow @mitchellreports @ashleyrparker @kwelkernbc
- More than 50 women are shot and killed by an intimate partner in the U.S. each month, yet the Senate refuses to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act – barring convicted abusers from owning guns. We need to change this. Let’s #GrabTrumpByTheBallot so we can win #VAWA4ALL!
- Reminder during this #DemDebate: More than a dozen women have made credible accusations that Trump sexually assaulted or harassed them. Don’t let this be the new normal. Join us and #GrabTrumpByTheBallot
Or select, download, and tweet any of the ready-made images below!