Repro Rights Recap

Blog / January 8, 2020

Grab Trump by the Ballot: January Edition

Thank you for coming out to Grab Trump by the Ballot!

Our guest speaker for the Repro Rights Power Hour event provided an insightful update on the state of abortion access in the U.S:

  • The Supreme Court is set to hear its first abortion case on March 4th, following the addition of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Court.
  • Nationally, abortion rights advocates are anticipating a new slate of abortion bans and other restrictive pieces of legislation and ballot initiatives.
  • Trump will continue his misinformation campaign to stigmatize abortion and drive opposition.

We must keep our eyes on making change:
Nationwide, there are 7 million youth of color who will have turned 18 since the last presidential election. Democrats have been making critical progress: from Stacey Abrams’ historic 1.9 million votes to sweeping the Virginia state legislature late last year to electing the most diverse Congress in history in the midterms. We’re ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work.